XFRA : Change of Mnemonic for several XTrackers

Release date: 24 Nov 2022

XFRA : Change of Mnemonic for several XTrackers

FUER NACHSTEHENDE INSTRUMENTE WURDE DAS KUERZEL ZUM 24.11.2022 GEAENDERT. FOR THE FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS THE SHORT CODE WAS CHANGED, EFFECTIVE 24.11.2022. ISIN OLD NEW LU0274209237 mnemonic DBXA XMEU LU0274210672 mnemonic DBXU XMUS LU0274211217 mnemonic DBXE XESX LU0274221281 mnemonic DBXS XSMI LU0290355717 mnemonic DBXN XGLE LU0290357176 mnemonic DBXR X57E LU0290357259 mnemonic DBXB X710 LU0290357929 mnemonic DBXH XGIN LU0290358224 mnemonic DBXK XEIN LU0290358497 mnemonic DBXT XEON LU0290358653 mnemonic DXSQ XTXE LU0290359032 mnemonic DBXM XTXC LU0292096186 mnemonic DXSB XGSD LU0292097234 mnemonic DBXX XUKX LU0292097317 mnemonic DBXY XMCX LU0292097747 mnemonic DBXZ XASX LU0292103651 mnemonic DXSF XS7R LU0292104469 mnemonic DXSH XS8R LU0292104899 mnemonic DXSI XS6R LU0292106167 mnemonic DXSM XDBC LU0292107645 mnemonic DBX1 XMEM LU0292107991 mnemonic DBX2 XMAS LU0292109005 mnemonic DBX4 XMEA LU0292109344 mnemonic DBX6 XMBR LU0321462870 mnemonic DXST XTC5 LU0321462953 mnemonic DXSU XEMB LU0321463506 mnemonic DXSW XBCT LU0321465469 mnemonic DXSZ XFFE LU0322252171 mnemonic DXS5 XAXJ LU0322252502 mnemonic DBXV XMRC LU0322252924 mnemonic DXS7 XFVT LU0322253906 mnemonic DX2J XXSC LU0328473581 mnemonic DX2K XUKS LU0328475792 mnemonic DX2X XSX6 LU0335044896 mnemonic DX22 XEOD LU0380865021 mnemonic DXET XESC LU0397221945 mnemonic DBX0 XQUI LU0429790743 mnemonic DBZN XCBE

Market Status




Parts of the trading system are currently experiencing technical issues

The trading system is currently experiencing technical issues

Xetra newsboard

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Please find further information about incident handling in the Emergency Playbook published on the Xetra webpage under Technology --> T7 trading architecture --> Emergency procedures. Detailed information about incident communication, market re-opening procedures and best practices for order and trade reconciliation can be found in the chapters 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5, respectively. Concrete information for the respective incident will be published during the incident via newsboard message

We strongly recommend not to take any decisions based on the indications in the market status window but to always check the production news board for comprehensive information on an incident.

Emergency procedures

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