Deutsche Börse ETF-Forum 2019

28 Oct 2019

Deutsche Börse ETF-Forum 2019 Friedrich Merz: ETFs the epitome of capital market democratisation

The ETF Forum has become an important industry event for ETF issuers and investors. On 22 October, around 300 participants came together to discuss the most recent trends and developments across the ETF market. The forum was held in Frankfurt and hosted by Deutsche Börse for the 12th consecutive time.

The event was moderated by n-tv presenter Corinna Wohlfeil.

In her welcome address, Hauke Stars looked back favourably on the recent developments in the ETF segment: “Market observers believe that the success story of the European ETF market is ongoing and assets under management will continue to achieve double-digit growth rates in the years to come.” However, despite steady growth, Stars pointed out the fact that progress remains slow: “Overall, stocks still play a subordinate role in German investors’ total assets.” This fact is particularly alarming in view of the steadily receding pension level.

To reduce reluctance towards ETFs, Stars called on the financial sector to remain innovative. Speaking of Deutsche Börse’ own efforts, Stars cited the expansion of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange visitor centre and the abolition of transaction fees for the execution of ETF savings plans via Xetra.

In his keynote speech, Friedrich Merz declared ETFs to be the epitome of “the end-to-end democratisation of the capital market,” within which they offer “investors the highest possible security and transparency”. By taking stock of current pension discussions and against the backdrop of demographic development, Friedrich Merz once again urged politicians to further strengthen private, capital market-oriented pension schemes.

This year’s event focused on retirement provision with the following topics of discussion:

  • Global economic outlook: economic growth expected to slow
  • Development and implementation of successful investment strategies with bond ETFs
  • Technical progress and its influence on companies and society – the hype industries of the future
  • Retirement planning – long-term asset building strategies for all types of investors
  • ETFs under scrutiny: is the criticism of the index funds justified?

Participants were able to engage directly with the panellists via an interactive communication tool. The lively exchange confirmed the importance of the event and investors’ keen interest in the product group.

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